Moving Off

This moving off drill targets horses that are anticipating and slicing or shouldering a barrel.  You would only do this at the barrel(s) that are of concern. How: Can be done at a walk, trot, lope or gallop. Approach your turn and just before you turn the barrel, make...

All One Way

Good for training and correcting.  Horses learn by repetition so you can really emphasize correctness with this drill. How: The image shows a circle before approaching the barrel (which isn’t necessary but helpful when picking up a lead.  Approach any barrel,...

Reverse Pattern

If your horse is anticipating turns, this drill will really help to get him paying attention to where you want him to go and when. Not where he thinks he should go. How: If you go to the right barrel first, go to the left. If you go to the left, go to the right.  Use...

Figure 8 Pattern

If your horse is over finishing his second barrel taking too many steps, or over finishes and tips the barrel, this drill might help get the room you need. How: On the pattern: Turn first, approach and turn second. Instead of heading to third, head to first and turn...

Rat Race

A drill to use if you need to free your horse up on the way home and stop him from slowing down or stopping too soon on the way home.  How: Walk/trot the pattern and lope him home. Come home faster than you worked the pattern. Run him right out of the arena instead of...