by Michelle | Jan 2, 2012 | Problem Solving, Training
This should help those horses that want to slow down to much too soon and those with “sticky” feet. It keeps those feet moving. How: If you have a horse that is really setty or rates too much you may want to try this drill. Instead of slow loping around the barrel,...
by Michelle | Jan 2, 2012 | Problem Solving, Training
Adding an extra element to the Rating drill you can add extra emphasis for those horses that really need rate. This will really help gathering up and getting his rear end up underneath himself. How: On the pattern, approach 1st barrel then STOP your horse at your rate...
by Michelle | Jan 2, 2012 | Problem Solving, Training
Rating is preparing for the turn and giving your horse advance notice there is a turn coming. It is part of your preparation for the turn. This drill will help your horse understand and remember he needs to rate for each turn. How: As you approach the barrels slow...
by Michelle | Jan 2, 2012 | Foundation, Problem Solving, Training
This will encourage your horse to keep his hind end under him and use it. This is the move your horse needs to make a corner around a barrel and blast out of the turn. How: Instead of walking, trotting or loping a circle, walk, trot or lope a square. Prepare your...
by Michelle | Jan 2, 2012 | Problem Solving, Training
This integrates the roll back, but also includes a barrel where your horse should be able to work quietly following the pressure of the rollback. You should feel your horse really driving and working from behind when you do go around the barrel as a result of the...