This is a great test to see if your horse is ready to head to the barrel pattern.  If your horse can’t complete this drill correctly at a given speed, it won’t be able to turn the barrel correctly at that speed.  This is also a great drill for strengthening a horses’ hip through repetitive complete turns.  It really gets them using their hind end.


Make perfect circles around each tire. I would try and make your circle of tires at least 60 feet in diameter.  Each tire at least 20 ft apart.  Try and use at least 5 tires.  If you circle is big you can use  more tires.
Only increase your speed once you can do a full revolution of the big circle (around each) perfect. If you speed up and things fall apart, go back to the slower speed. Remember inside rein up, outside rein supporting, inside leg creating bend, outside leg keeping the hip in. Stay the same distance away from each tire.  Leave the tire the same distance you entered it so you are prepared to turn the next one. Use more or less tires for bigger or smaller circles.   Be sure to do it in both directions.

This is a great test to see if your horse is ready to head to the barrel pattern.  If your horse can’t complete this drill correctly at a given speed, it won’t be able to turn the barrel correctly at that speed.  This is also a great drill for strengthening a horses’ hip through these repetitive complete turns.  It really gets them using their hind end.

If you can’t make a turn correctly, go to the next tire and get better prepared. By using tires instead of barrels you can get away with going past a turn. You aren’t teaching your horse to go past a barrel;  you are giving them the best opportunity to turn correctly by going to the next one and preparing properly.